Wednesday, 5 August 2015


I have nor planed to make an apple pie but as I bough shortcrust pastry instead of puff pastry I had to come up with some recipe to use it. I promise I will make my own pastry next time but today as we go lets use the pre-made one. :)

So I used:
- pre made shortcrust pastry
- 4 apples
- cinnamon to taste (I love the taste so I use a lot)
- some lemon juice
- sugar (white or brown, I used 2 tbsp of each)

1. So grate the apples in a bowl and smash them a bit with a spoon or something to drain some of the juice out, if there will be to much juice the pastry can be wet. Mix in the sugar, some lemon to taste and cinnamon.
2. Roll out the pastry and place it in the pie tins, I just bought the little pie pots so I used 4 of those.
3. Place the filling in the cups with pastry and use some pastry to make the stripes on top.

Bake in the oven on 170 for around 40min or until the crust is golden in colour.

It is quick recipe to make something sweet with no complication.

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